The Trend Chef Blog

Welcome to the Trend Chef blog!

Discover tips, tricks and inspirations for cooking, baking and entertaining. Whether you are passionate about cooking, a baking enthusiast or a budding mixologist, our articles will guide you to improve your techniques, find the best equipment and explore new recipes. Join our community to transform every meal into a unique experience with quality tools and accessories. Enjoy your meal and enjoy reading!

In my kitchen

Les meilleurs robots pâtissiers - Top 2024

The best pastry robots - Top 2024

In a modern kitchen, a well-chosen stand mixer can transform your cooking experience. Discover our selection of the best models to help you make complex recipes with ease.

The best pastry robots - Top 2024

In a modern kitchen, a well-chosen stand mixer can transform your cooking experience. Discover our selection of the best models to help you make complex recipes with ease.

évier de cuisine

How to unclog a very clogged kitchen drain?

Our best methods for unblocking kitchen pipes

How to unclog a very clogged kitchen drain?

Our best methods for unblocking kitchen pipes

Comment choisir le meilleur presse agrume manuel ?

How to choose the best manual citrus press?

Today, we are going to tackle an essential know-how that will make you an even more formidable bartender. Pay attention and take note, because this article will guide you in...

How to choose the best manual citrus press?

Today, we are going to tackle an essential know-how that will make you an even more formidable bartender. Pay attention and take note, because this article will guide you in...

Affûtage manuel d'un couteau de cuisine sur une pierre à aiguiser.

Choosing the best knife sharpener?

Today, we're going to tackle an essential skill that will make you an even more formidable cook. Pay attention and take note, because this article will guide you in choosing...

Choosing the best knife sharpener?

Today, we're going to tackle an essential skill that will make you an even more formidable cook. Pay attention and take note, because this article will guide you in choosing...

Un cuisinier se sert d'un couteau japonais pour couper un poivron rouge sur une planche en bois

The 10 Best Japanese Santoku Knives

Today, we are going to dive into the world of kitchen knives and more particularly Santoku knives, emblematic of Japanese know-how! We present to you the Top 10 Japanese Santoku...

The 10 Best Japanese Santoku Knives

Today, we are going to dive into the world of kitchen knives and more particularly Santoku knives, emblematic of Japanese know-how! We present to you the Top 10 Japanese Santoku...

Personne ajoutant du poivre sur des frites croustillantes dans un bol avec un moulin à poivre, portant un tablier beige et une chemise blanche

The buying guide for your professional French f...

Intended for restaurant owners, breweries, snack bars, or home gourmets, this guide will guide you towards the best French fry cutter that meets your requirements and your budget. Professional French...

The buying guide for your professional French f...

Intended for restaurant owners, breweries, snack bars, or home gourmets, this guide will guide you towards the best French fry cutter that meets your requirements and your budget. Professional French...


Why should I follow the Trend Chef blog?

The Trend Chef blog is designed to provide you with a wealth of inspiration and practical advice around the world of cooking. Whether you are a home cook, a baking enthusiast or a cocktail connoisseur, we have articles suitable for all levels. Our content is carefully written to help you improve your skills, discover new techniques and explore the latest trends in cooking and baking.

What types of content do you offer?

On our blog, you’ll find a variety of topics: easy-to-follow cooking and baking recipes, buying guides to help you choose the best tools and equipment, tips for optimizing the organization of your kitchen space, and advice on maintaining and getting the most out of your accessories. We also have articles that explore the art of entertaining and presenting your creations to impress your guests.

Are the products mentioned in the articles available in your store?

Absolutely! All the kitchen utensils, accessories, and equipment we mention in our articles are available for purchase directly from our online store. We know how frustrating it can be to search for a recommended product, so we add links to each product mentioned to make your shopping experience easier. This makes it easy for you to find what you need to replicate the recipes or put the tips in our articles into practice.

How can I be informed of new articles published?

To never miss a single article, sign up for our newsletter! You’ll receive the latest news, recipes, and tips from Trend Chef straight to your inbox. We’re also very active on social media, so be sure to follow us to discover our new publications, exclusive tips, and even behind-the-scenes glimpses from our editorial team.